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Ádám II. Batthyány - Contracts

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The file contains: A contract signed by Count Ádám II. Batthyány concerning hiring of family heritage in Hidegkút involving Ambrosio Ludwig von Reichhardtsperg (Reichhartperg), [the servant] Nicolaj Posztakowicz (Miklós Postákovich), Cristoph Batthyány etc. Koschendorf, 13.06.1696. The document includes also the redemption of the hired estate (additional text) for 300 florins signed by Augustin Reichhartperg in Güssing on 26.05.1745. In the additional text is Ludwig von Batthyány mentioned. Authentified by deputy magistrate of Castrum Ferrum (Vasvár) Sigismundo (Zsigmond) Eörsy . One covered wax seal, and two red wax seals. Paper. See also files ARC. 4* 2031 / 29 and ARC. 4* 2031 / 32.;A contract signed by Count Adam II. Batthyány concerning hiring of family heritage in Hidegkút involving Ambrosio Ludwig von Reichhartsberg (Reichhartperg), Nicolaj Posztakowicz, Cristoph Batthyány etc. Güssing, 20.08.1696. The document includes also the redemption of the hired estate (additional text) for 1000 florins signed by Augustin Reichhartperg in Güssing on 26.05.1745. In the additional text is Ludwig von Batthyány mentioned. Two red wax seals. Paper. See also files ARC. 4* 2031 / 29 and ARC. 4* 2031 / 32 .;A copy of the above contract signed in Güssing on 20.08.1696. Paper with watermark.

أتعرفون المزيد عن هذا العنصر؟ وجدتم خطأ ما؟

تفاصيل أوفى

رقم الرف
ARC. 4* 2031 / 40
تاريخ الإصدار
لغة المادة
وصف المحتوى
The file contains: A contract signed by Count Ádám II. Batthyány concerning hiring of family heritage in Hidegkút involving Ambrosio Ludwig von Reichhardtsperg (Reichhartperg), [the servant] Nicolaj Posztakowicz (Miklós Postákovich), Cristoph Batthyány etc. Koschendorf, 13.06.1696. The document includes also the redemption of the hired estate (additional text) for 300 florins signed by Augustin Reichhartperg in Güssing on 26.05.1745. In the additional text is Ludwig von Batthyány mentioned. Authentified by deputy magistrate of Castrum Ferrum (Vasvár) Sigismundo (Zsigmond) Eörsy . One covered wax seal, and two red wax seals. Paper. See also files ARC. 4* 2031 / 29 and ARC. 4* 2031 / 32.;A contract signed by Count Adam II. Batthyány concerning hiring of family heritage in Hidegkút involving Ambrosio Ludwig von Reichhartsberg (Reichhartperg), Nicolaj Posztakowicz, Cristoph Batthyány etc. Güssing, 20.08.1696. The document includes also the redemption of the hired estate (additional text) for 1000 florins signed by Augustin Reichhartperg in Güssing on 26.05.1745. In the additional text is Ludwig von Batthyány mentioned. Two red wax seals. Paper. See also files ARC. 4* 2031 / 29 and ARC. 4* 2031 / 32 .;A copy of the above contract signed in Güssing on 20.08.1696. Paper with watermark.
Ádám II. Batthyány - Contracts.
هذا جزء من
Batthyány family collection
Ms. II. 14
II. 15
II. 16
مستوى التوصيف
File Record
رقم النظام

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وجب الانتباه إلى أنّ قواعد حقوق التأليف والنشر قد تختلف من دولة إلى أخرى ولذلك، إذا كنت ترغب/ترغبين في استخدام المادة خارج دولة إسرائيل، عليك التحقق من قواعد حقوق التأليف والنشر حسب القانون الساري في الدولة المعنية.

إذا كنت تعتقد/ين أنّه قد وقع خطأ في المعطيات الواردة أعلاهُ، أو أنّك تعتقد/ين أنّ هناك انتهاكًا لحقوق التأليف والنشر بشأن هذه المادة، فيرجى التوجُّه إلينا من خلال الاستمارة التالية

عند كل استخدام، يجب تحديد المادة في النموذج التالي:
Ádám II. Batthyány - Contracts, 1696-1745, סימול ARC. 4* 2031 / 40, Batthyány family collection.
    1. Ádám II. Batthyány - Contracts